Eisdell Moore Centre
Latest Research

Hearing Health Maps Aotearoa
A/P Dan Exeter and Annie Chiang from the Dep. Epidemiology at the University of Auckland have developed a new tool to examine hearing health outcomes across Aotearoa. These can be viewed on maps of District Health Boards or General Electoral Districts.
Our Goals
Undertaking multidisciplinary studies to understand causes, mechanisms and consequences of hearing and balance disorders.
New Technology
Developing and enhancing technologies to prevent and manage hearing and vestibular disorders.
Contributing to the high quality education of researchers and hearing and balance health clinicians.
Our Supporter

We are very grateful for the generous support from The Hearing Research Foundation that has provided a grant of $1.75 million to fund key research activities of the Centre for its first 5 years.
Māori hearing health care – driving the passion
Māori have the highest rate of self-reported disabling hearing loss in New Zealand and Alehandrea (Aleh) Manuel is leading research into how sufferers are accessing services to do something about it. The work is part of both an Eisdell Moore Centre (EMC) programme...